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LU1HVK > RTLSDR   17.01.20 10:05z 97 Lines 4094 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 39127_LU1HVK
Sent: 200117/1001Z 39127@LU1HVK.2594.CBA.ARG.SA LinBPQ6.0.19

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                        | |__| |_| | |  _  | \ V / | . \
                        |_____\___/|_|_| |_|  \_/  |_|\_\


Title :

Title : Using a KerberosSDR to Monitor Air Traffic Control Voice,
ADS-B, ACARS & VDL2 Simultaneously on a Raspberry Pi 3B+

Content :  The  KerberosSDR  is our 4-channel phase coherent capable
RTL-SDR unit that we previously crowdfunded back in 2018.  With
a 4-channel phase coherent RTL-SDR interesting applications like
radio direction finding, passive radar and beam forming become
possible. KerberosSDR is currently available from the  Othernet
store  and  Hacker Warehouse  for US$149.95. 

Title : Increasing L-Band Active Patch SNR by using it as a Feed
for a Satellite Dish

Content :  Recently RTL-SDR.COM reader Bert has been experimenting
with our active L-band patch antenna product. He's written in
to share that he's found that using it as a feed for a satellite
dish works well to improve SNR on those weaker 10500 AERO signals
which Bert found that he could not decode from his location due to
insufficient SNR. Our  active L-band patch antenna  receives signals
from 1525 - 1637 MHz and can be used for signals from Inmarsat,
Iridium and GPS satellites. 

Title : Measuring the Radiation Pattern of a Yagi Antenna with
a NanoVNA

Content :  On Hackaday we've seen an  interesting post  about
Jephthai who has used a  NanoVNA  to  measure the radiation pattern
of a home made Yagi antenna . He began by initially modelling the
Yagi using the  MMANA  software package, then building the antenna
and measuring the SWR. 

Title : DSDPlusUI: A Graphical User Interface for DSD+

Content :  Over on Twitter Annunaki (@StupotSinders) has been
teasing some screenshots of a GUI for DSD+ that he's been developing
over the past few weeks. And now he has released the software which
is called "DSDPlusUI". DSD+ is mostly command line based, so a GUI
could be useful for newbies. The software can be  downloaded from
the DSDPlusUI page . 

Title : A Guide to the NanoVNA: Kindle eBook for $2.99

Content :  With the NanoVNA (and upcoming  NanoVNA 2.0 ) being so
affordable and readily available many budget focused RF enthusiasts
and hams are now adding a tool to their arsenal that used to only
be for the wealthy and commercial users. Vector Network Analyzers
(VNAs) allow you to do things like make SWR measurements on antennas,
characterize RF filters and detect coax cable faults, among other

Title : Airspy HF+ Discovery Wins the WRTH 2020 Best Value SDR Award

Content :  The  World Radio TV Handbook  (WRTH) is a directory book
(or CD) of world radio stations on LW, MW, SW and VHF broadcast FM
which is released yearly. Along with the directory, the WRTH authors
often review the latest shortwave listening hardware including SDRs
and give out awards to the best units.  

Title : SDRplay Updates: RSPdx Now Supported by SDR Console V3,
RSPdx EXTIO Released

Content :  SDRplay have recently  released an update  regarding
third party software support and availability of their latest RSPdx
receiver. They write: 

Title : KiwiSDR Portal SDR.HU Now Requires a Ham Licence + OpenWebRX
Development Discontinued

Content :   The KiwiSDR  is a US$299 HF SDR that can monitor the
entire 0 - 30 MHz band at once. It is designed to be web-based
and shared, meaning that the KiwiSDR owner, or anyone that they've
given access to can tune and listen to it via a web browser over
the internet.  


You have literary talent that you should take pains to develop.


Organizacion Radio Packet Argentina

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